El Nino May Return as Pacific Ocean Shows Signs of Warming

An El Nino weather pattern, which can parch Australia and parts of Asia while bringing rains to South America, may occur in the coming months as the Pacific Ocean warms, according to Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology. Most climate models suggest …

SpaceX Insured For ‘Maximum Probable Loss’

SpaceX successfully launched its Falcon 9 rocket carrying a Dragon spacecraft to orbit on Tuesday as part of a mission that would make it the first commercial company to attempt to send a spacecraft to the International Space Station. The …

Satellite’s Impact Pinned

NASA has pinpointed where its now famously falling satellite landed, and unless you are an insurer of someone who lives in the middle of the Indian Ocean between the coast of African and the Antarctic, your worries are over. According …

Falling Satellites? Uncle Sam’s Got It Covered, Mostly

When, where and how much, if any, damage will be caused by about 1,200 pounds worth of falling satellite debris poses some interesting questions–including for the insurance industry. Likely coming in at No. 1 on the industry’s list: Who will …