National Academy of Sciences News

How the Coronavirus Spread So Quickly Across U.S.

As the United States exceeds 5 million reported coronavirus cases — the world’s first country to do so — epidemiologists have pinpointed what helped to set the country on this path. Research from the University of Notre Dame estimates that …

Reports Advise How to Make Flood Insurance Affordable

A new report suggests the federal flood insurance program may want to target mitigation grants to households with high premiums, urge homeowners to select higher deductibles, expand the educational role of insurance agents, and provide mitigation loans to help make …

Female-Named Hurricanes More Deadly But Less Feared

Which scares you more: Hurricane Victor or Hurricane Victoria? People are slightly less likely to flee an oncoming storm with a feminine name than a masculine one, a new study finds. But here is Victoria’s secret: Hurricanes with feminine names …

Electronic Medical Records Not Without Risks to Patient Safety: Report

The nation’s transition to electronic medical records, now in full swing, risks overlooking potential patient safety problems, independent advisers warned the Obama administration in a report this week. Computerized medical records have been sold as a powerful tool to improve …