National Academy of Social Insurance News

New Report Shows California’s Share of Payroll, Workers’ Comp

Californians accounted for 11.9 percent of all jobs covered by workers’ compensation in the U.S. in 2016, 13.9 percent of covered payroll and 19.6 percent of all cash and medical benefits paid for work injuries and illnesses, according to the …

Report: West Virginia Workers’ Comp Costs Drop, But Still Highest in U.S.

Workers’ compensation benefits and employer costs in West Virginia have dropped sharply compared to the rest of the U.S., but remain nearly twice as high as the national average, according to a report released Thursday. Nationwide, workers injured on the …

Surprising Facts About Social Security and Medicare

While the era of “alternative facts” dawned in Washington last week, experts from across the ideological spectrum gathered in the capital for a review of real facts about our two most important retirement programs: Social Security and Medicare. The annual …

Workers’ Comp Benefits for Injured Workers Reach Historic Lows: Report

Workers’ compensation benefits as a share of payroll have reached historically low levels, according to a new study released this week. Despite growth in employment during the economic recovery — and the corresponding uptick in employees covered by workers’ compensation …

Public Radio Report Puts Spotlight on Workers’ Compensation’s ‘Grand Bargain’

Last week’s ProPublica/National Public Radio report putting a spotlight on the workers’ compensation system caught the attention of experts who were meeting in Boston to share research on how the system is performing at the same time the series was …

Drop in Workers’ Compensation Costs Reflects Recession

The number of workers covered by workers’ compensation dropped by 4.4 percent in 2009, the biggest decrease in two decades. Also, according to a report by the nonprofit National Academy of Social Insurance, employer costs for benefits fell by 7.6 …