National Chicken Council News

Biden Withdraws Trump Chicken Slaughter Rule Industry Says Is Safe

A major food workers’ union praised President Joe Biden for withdrawing a rule that would have permanently allowed U.S. poultry producers to kill more chickens per minute. Industry trade groups said the speeds were safe. Donald Trump’s administration in its …

Despite Costly Bird Flu, Chicken Farmers Reject Vaccine

Determined to avoid a repeat of the nation’s worst-ever avian-influenza outbreak, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is stockpiling up to 500 million doses of a new vaccine — but many in the $48 billion poultry industry don’t want it. While …

Poultry Industry Refutes Consumer Reports, Says Chicken Breasts Safe

U.S. poultry producers have dramatically reduced the presence of harmful bacteria in poultry meat, a trade group said on Friday in defending the food safety record of the industry. “The numbers tell us we’re making tremendous progress,” the National Chicken …