National Climate Assessment News

Democrats’ Climate Change Concern Ebbs When Congress Faces Flood Insurance

A Congressional stalemate over flood insurance highlights the difficulty of enacting the type of reforms urged last week in a U.S. government report on climate change — even for Democrats, who embraced the report’s findings. The heavily indebted National Flood …

Report by 13 U.S. Agencies Warns of Dire Economic Effects from Climate Change

As California’s catastrophic wildfires recede and people rebuild after two hurricanes, a massive new federal report warns that these types of disasters are worsening in the United States because of global warming. The White House report quietly issued Friday also …

Climate Change Exposes U.S. Infrastructure to Natural Hazards, Rand Corp. Says

Editor’s note: This is the first of a two-part column. A follow up column will focus on how catastrophe modelers are being asked to create products that take into account potential climate change impacts. A report out this week from …

Climate-Driven Firefighting in West Takes Cash From Prevention Budgets

Wildfires blamed in part on climate change are consuming timber in the U.S. West at such a furious pace that half the Forest Service’s budget is now spent fighting them — up from 21 percent in 2000. Add in the …

U.S. Report: Climate Change Here, Deal With It

Climate change is in the here and now, according to a massive report issued on Tuesday. The White House’s National Climate Assessment report is part of President Barack Obama’s effort to prepare the nation for the impacts of a changing …