National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) News

NCCI Files 10% Reduction in Workers’ Comp Loss Costs for West Virginia

West Virginia employers will see a projected $21 million reduction in workers’ compensation premiums in the coming year, according to a recent statement from Gov. Jim Justice. The National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) has filed a proposed reduction of …

Illinois Senate Passes Bills Requiring Work Comp Pre-Approval, Creating Nonprofit Insurer

The Illinois Senate has passed two workers’ compensation measures — one that would require companies writing workers’ comp insurance to get state approval for the rates they charge, and another that creates a nonprofit company — with government oversight — …

Alabama Workers’ Compensation Act to Remain in Place, For Now

Alabama’s workers’ compensation law, ruled unconstitutional by a county judge last week, will remain in effect for the immediate future. The Alabama judge who on May 8 declared the state’s workers’ compensation act unconstitutional has issued an indefinite stay to …

Manufacturing’s Share of Workers’ Comp Premium Is High Relative to Exposure: NCCI

In 2016 in the United States, the manufacturing sector produced nearly 72 percent more goods than in 1990, but manufacturers achieved that milestone with only about 70 percent of the workers that were on factory floors two and a half …

Texas OKs New Rule for Wrap-Up Construction Project Policies

The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) has approved a filing by the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) to establish eligibility requirements for wrap-up construction project policies. The changes in Item 02-TX-2016 apply to new and renewal workers’ compensation policies …

Louisiana Workers’ Comp Insurance Rates to Decline Again

The Louisiana Department of Insurance announced a rate filing from the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) for a statewide decrease of 9.8 percent in workers’ compensation rates has been approved. Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon said rates for workers’ comp …

Oklahoma to Hold Free Forums for Workers’ Comp Agents, Adjusters

Workers’ compensation professionals in Oklahoma will have the opportunity to learn crucial information about the industry at two free events. The Oklahoma Insurance Department and the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) will host the 2016 State Advisory Forums on …

Oklahoma Workers’ Comp Loss Costs Fall 10.2%

The annual filing most insurance carriers will use to develop rates for workers’ compensation insurance shows a decrease for the fourth year in a row in Oklahoma, according to the state insurance department. The Oklahoma Insurance Department reported that the …

Missouri Insurance Department Expects Lower Workers’ Comp Insurance Rates

Missouri insurance regulators say employers in that state should see lower workers’ compensation insurance rates for the third straight year in 2017. The Missouri Department of Insurance says the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) has proposed an overall decrease …

Texas Seeking Employer Representative for Workers’ Comp Appeals Panel

The Texas Department of Insurance is seeking an employer representative to serve on the Texas Workers’ Compensation Appeals Panel. The panel resolves policyholder disputes with insurance carriers that are referred by the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI). The panel …