National Flood Insurance Program News

Mississippi Lawmakers End Hunting/Fishing Exemption from Flood Regulation

The Mississippi Senate has given final legislative approval to a bill to allow local governments to enforce federal floodplains codes at hunting and fishing camps and remain in the National Flood Insurance Program. The bill now goes to the governor. …

Conn. Regulators Advise Homeowners: ‘Be Prepared for Springtime Risks’

The Connecticut Insurance Department is advising homeowners to prepare their property against potential springtime weather risks, such as excessive rainfall and flooding. The state’s insurance commissioner Thomas Leonardi says it’s essential for homeowners to understand their coverage – what they …

N.Y. Agents Tell Senate Panel of Flood Insurance Claims Hassles

A director of the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of New York told lawmakers and regulators this week that New Yorkers are dealing with unnecessary hassles when they make flood insurance claims. William Oliver told the panel that the difficulty …

N.Y. Court Enforces Flood Insurance Policy’s Proof-of-Loss Requirement

A New York appeals court recently affirmed a lower court’s ruling that a homeowner was not entitled to coverage under the policy from the National Flood Insurance Program because he failed to follow the proof-of-loss requirement. The case involves Robert …

Penn. Encourages Consumers to Buy Flood Insurance as Spring Approaches

Pennsylvania insurance regulators are encouraging homeowners to consider buying flood insurance before the start of spring, citing the higher risk of severe flooding during warmer months. Pennsylvania is one of the most flood-prone states in the nation and flooding can …

Mississippi Moves to Enforce Flood Codes on Hunting-Fishing Camps

The Mississippi House has approved a bill to allow local governments to enforce federal floodplains codes at hunting and fishing camps and remain in the National Flood Insurance Program. The bill (House Bill 773) would remove the hunting- and-fishing-camp exemption …

41 Senators Urge Action on Flood Insurance Reform

Forty-one U.S. senators from both parties have signed a letter urging the Senate to schedule a vote on legislation to reform and extend the federal flood insurance program “as expeditiously as possible in February or very soon thereafter.” U.S. Sen. …

Group Urges Obama to Address Flood Insurance in State of Union Address

A coalition of business and environmental groups is calling on President Obama to use his upcoming State of the Union address to urge Congress to reform the nation’s debt-ridden flood insurance program. The U.S. House of Representatives has passed a …

Penn. Senator Asks Flood Insurers to Quickly Process Remaining Claims

U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-Penn.) is asking flood insurance companies to quickly process remaining claims from Irene and Lee. He says some 25 percent of the claims in Pennsylvania are still not processed. “Pennsylvanians have worked tirelessly to rebuild in …

FEMA to Give Partial Credit for Substandard Levees in Drawing Flood Zones

A levee isn’t perfect, but it exists and that should count for something when deciding if a property is at risk for flooding. That’s the position of the Federal Emergency Management Agency in a new proposal that would break from …