National Highway Traffic Safety Administration News

It’s Time to Act on Trucking Safety Ideas, Says NTSB

Highway regulators have failed to act on more than 100 recommendations to improve truck safety at a time when fatalities have risen for four straight years, according to the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board. Priorities must change in 2015, with …

U.S. Auto Recalls Set Record at 60 Million for Year

U.S. automobile recalls surpassed the 60 million mark for the first time in a single year, largely because of the rush to prevent more deaths from defective General Motors Co. ignition switches and Takata Corp. air bags. The tally of …

Japan Transport Ministry Weighs Additional Air Bag Recalls

Japan’s investigation into dangerous air bags is leading to a remote scrapyard in the central Gifu prefecture, where the explosion of a car model not included in current recalls suggests automakers may have to yet again expand their safety campaigns. …

Honda Admits Not Reporting U.S. Claims; Could Face Record Fine

Honda Motor Co. said it failed to report more than 1,700 claims of injury or death involving its cars to U.S. regulators, a violation that would be one of the biggest in history and could lead to a fine of …

GM Emails Show Ignition Switch Fix Began 2 Months Before Recall

The disclosure of December e-mails by General Motors Co. shows that the company was working on a fix for its faulty ignition switch in December almost two months before it officially recalled the part, which has since been linked to …

Obama Reportedly Searching for New Auto Safety Chief

The acting chief of the NHTSA, the top U.S. automotive safety regulator, is unlikely to be nominated for the job and an active search is under way to fill the position, a source familiar with the matter said on Monday. …

Nissan Expands Global Recall by 260,000 Vehicles

Nissan Motor Co. expanded a global recall of cars using Takata Corp.-made air bags, which have been linked to four deaths in Honda Motor Co. cars. Nissan will call back 260,000 vehicles worldwide, including 104,905 units in Japan, Yuriko Masuda, …

Congress Hits Auto Safety Agency’s Role in GM Recalls

Both houses of Congress scolded the U.S. highway safety agency Tuesday over its tardy handling of a deadly problem with General Motors cars, questioning whether it is competent to guarantee the safety of increasingly complex vehicles. David Friedman, acting chief …

‘Click It Or Ticket’ Push Begins in Texas

No excuses: wear your seat belt. Texas is part of the 13th annual “Click It or Ticket” safety effort to make sure travelers buckle up. The campaign that began Monday and runs through June 1 means law enforcement officers are …

Carmakers, Regulators Looking Into Flaws in Air Bag Technology

When Ford Motor Co. recalled 600,000 sport-utility vehicles last week, it became the fourth carmaker this year to acknowledge an issue with malfunctioning air bags. So far in 2014, automakers in the U.S. have recalled about 6.6 million cars and …