National Hurricane Center (NHC) News

Real Hurricane ‘Season Within a Season’ About to Begin

Don’t be lulled by a quiet June and July, the real Atlantic hurricane season is about to kick off. The hurricane season generally runs from June 1 to the end of November. But the next six weeks — “the season …

More Rain Expected in Already Soggy South Carolina

The soggy remnants of Florence keep causing chaos in coastal South Carolina long after the hurricane swirled ashore, with rivers still flowing far beyond their banks and a new storm gathering more rain just offshore. Authorities urged up to 8,000 …

Tropical Storm Gordon to Become Hurricane, Strike Gulf Coast Tuesday; Flood Damage Expected

Tropical Storm Gordon will grow into a hurricane as it grazes offshore natural gas and oil fields, where it has already sparked evacuations, before coming ashore over the lower Mississippi Valley later on Tuesday or early Wednesday. Gordon, with top …

National Hurricane Center Gets New Leader

A meteorologist who aided emergency response efforts along the Gulf Coast after the 2010 oil spill has been tapped to lead the U.S. government’s hurricane forecasting hub in Miami. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced Thursday that Kenneth Graham …

National Hurricane Center Updates Hurricane Irma Death Toll

The death toll from Hurricane Irma’s catastrophic rampage across the Caribbean and the southeastern U.S. has risen to 44 fatalities directly caused by its strong winds and heavy rains, plus 85 fatalities indirectly linked to the storm, according to a …

National Hurricane Center: Harvey’s Rains Make It Second-Costliest U.S. Hurricane

Record-breaking Hurricane Harvey became the second-costliest storm to hit the U.S. and dropped more rain than any other system ever. Harvey, the strongest hurricane to hit the U.S. since 2005, killed at least 103 people and caused an estimated $125 …

East Coast Watching Effect of ‘Zombie’ Storm Jose on Maria’s Path

Hurricane Maria continued its thunderous roll northward as forecasters struggled to pin down a trajectory. Whether the storm makes landfall again could be determined by a zombie. That’s what former Hurricane Jose will soon be in the meteorological vernacular, a …

Eastern Pacific Hurricane Season Starts Off Slowly

The eastern Pacific hurricane season is starting off with a whimper. While one short-lived tropical storm developed off Mexico’s Pacific coast last week, the earliest on record, computer models show another one isn’t likely soon, said Jeff Masters, co-founder of …

How Meteorologists View 2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season

Most meteorologists forecast the 2017 Atlantic hurricane season will be less active than a year ago, with the number of named storms and hurricanes near average. A few meteorologists, however, expect this season to be more active than normal with …

Tropical Storm Julia Weakens Along Southeast Coast

Tropical Storm Julia weakened into a depression and is expected to meander off the coast of Georgia and South Carolina for the next few days, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said on Thursday. Julia is located about 60 miles (95 …