National Hurricane Center News

Hurricane Warnings Issued as Tropical Storm Joaquin Gains Strength

The National Hurricane Center’s latest bulletin, issued at 5:00 EDT, notes that the “government of the Bahamas has issued a Hurricane Warning for the central Bahamas, including Cat Island, the Exumas, Long Island, Rum Cay, and San Salvador.” The NHC …

Hurricane Strikes Cape Verde in East Atlantic — First Time Since 1892

Something rare happened out in the Atlantic — a hurricane hit Cape Verde. The islands off the coast of Africa lend their name to some of the most powerful storms the Atlantic produces, yet they themselves rarely get hit. According …

Tropical Storm Danny to Become Hurricane? Maybe, Maybe Not

A storm-free August in the Atlantic was probably too much to ask for. Tropical Storm Danny formed out of a cluster of thunderstorms Tuesday about 1,600 miles (2,600 kilometers) east of the Windward Islands. There’s even a chance it could …

National Hurricane Center, Florida University to Launch Hurricane Site in Spanish

The National Hurricane Center and Florida International University are launching a new Spanish-language website for hurricane preparation. The website will include information on hurricane science, residential mitigation strategies, preparedness, and announcements, including tropical cyclone advisories. The six-month Atlantic hurricane season …

Storm Brewing Over Yucatan Peninsula Threatens Texas and Louisiana

The Atlantic’s second storm of the year may be developing over the Yucatan Peninsula, with the potential to reach Texas and Louisiana and flood Houston for the second time in a month. Thunderstorms moving northwest from the Yucatan along the …

UPDATE: Hurricane Blanca Remains on Course for Baja California

The latest bulletin from the National Hurricane Center in Miami describes Blanca as a “large hurricane,” with hurricane force winds extending “outward up to 45 miles (75 km) from the center and tropical storm force winds extending outward up to …

Pacific Storms Rage While Atlantic Hurricane Season Opens Quietly

The Atlantic hurricane season opened with empty seas and low expectations as two storms raged off the western coast of Mexico, where they will almost certainly stay. Hurricane Andres, which formed last week and grew into a major Category 4 …

Storm Surge Alerts to Begin on Atlantic Coast This Hurricane Season

As the people of New Orleans, New Jersey and New York know all too well, much of the death and damage caused by hurricanes isn’t from the wind. It’s from the storm surge. When the 2015 Atlantic hurricane season starts …

Quiet Atlantic Hurricane Season Coming to End

The Atlantic hurricane season will officially end November 30, and will be remembered as a relatively quiet season as was predicted, according to weather scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). “Fortunately, much of the U.S. coastline was …

Desktop Hurricane Tool Shows Storm Risk in Neighborhoods

When a hurricane comes ashore, there are so many dangers: tree-snapping winds, torrential downpours and even tornadoes spawned by the tempest itself. But it’s the wall of water that tropical systems push onto land, known as storm surge, that tops …