National Institute of Standards and Technology News

UConn Receives $768K for Study of Crumbling Foundations

The federal government has awarded the University of Connecticut $768,000 to fund ongoing research into the problem of crumbling home foundations in eastern Connecticut. The goal of the research is to better understand of the scope of the crisis and …

Vote Expected on Federal Funds to Test Connecticut Crumbling Foundations

Federal legislation that sets aside $4 million in federal funds to study the effects of the mineral pyrrhotite on concrete aggregate has advanced in the U.S. Congress. Democratic U.S. Joe Courtney, whose eastern Connecticut district includes homeowners with basements crumbling …

Cyber Insurance: Many Choices Now That There Is No Choice

Every organization, of every size and operational orientation, needs cyber insurance to manage its exposures in this age of networked information. That was one thing speakers agreed on at the recent 2017 Cyber Liability Symposium held by the Professional Liability …

Insurance Industry Says Cyber Threat Database Needed

Cyber insurance is one of the fastest growing property/casualty insurance markets. But the sector remains the Wild West of risk prevention, a fast moving target with rapidly-evolving risk portfolios, along with losses and liabilities that remain hard to quantify. Last …

Sophisticated Resilience Model in Development in Colorado – And It’ll be Free

Efforts are underway in Colorado to build a sophisticated computer model that will offer a look down to the minute details at just how communities may withstand โ€“ or crumble under โ€“ perils like earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis and other …

Final Report on Joplin Tornado Highlights Communication, Building Standards

A federal agency’s final report about its technical investigation into the 2011 Joplin tornado calls for nationally accepted standards for building design and construction, and public shelters and emergency communications that the group says can significantly reduce tornado deaths. The …