National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) News

Top AI Companies Join Government Effort to Set Safety Standards

The top US artificial intelligence companies will participate in a government-led effort intended to craft federal standards on the technology to ensure that it’s deployed safely and responsibly, the Commerce Department said Thursday. OpenAI, Anthropic, Microsoft Corp., Meta Platforms Inc. …

White House, Big Tech, Insurers Vow to ‘Raise the Bar’ on Cybersecurity

The U.S. government on Wednesday said it would work with industry to hammer out new guidelines to improve the security of the technology supply chain, as President Joe Biden appealed to private sector executives to “raise the bar on cybersecurity.” …

Global Directors Beware: Are You Ready for EU’s Data Protection Regulation?

On May 25, 2018, the European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will go into effect in the 28 EU member states. Companies, the world over, are now rushing to meet the deadline for compliance but how many will …

National Building, Communications Standards Recommended for Tornado Safety

National standards should be set for building construction, storm shelters and emergency communications to reduce death and damage from tornados, a federal agency that studied the deadly 2011 tornado in Joplin, Missouri, recommended on Thursday. The National Institute of Standards …

U.S. Unveils Draft of Voluntary Corporate Cybersecurity Standards

A U.S. bureau on Tuesday unveiled a draft of voluntary standards that companies can adopt to boost cybersecurity – part of an attempt to protect critical industries without setting restrictive and costly regulations. The National Institute of Standards and Technology …