National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration News

El Niño Forming in Pacific Is Turbocharged by Tropical Cyclones

The El Niño forming across the Pacific has been turbocharged by a series of tropical cyclones that helped to shift the direction of trade winds, potentially adding to warming that’s evoking parallels with the record 1997-98 event. Several cyclones, including …

NOAA Research Warns Global Warming Continues Unabated

The pace of global warming hasn’t slowed since 1998, a finding that contradicts a major United Nations study and challenges a key argument of skeptics of manmade climate change. Temperatures since 2000 have risen at a pace that is “virtually …

Pacific Storms Rage While Atlantic Hurricane Season Opens Quietly

The Atlantic hurricane season opened with empty seas and low expectations as two storms raged off the western coast of Mexico, where they will almost certainly stay. Hurricane Andres, which formed last week and grew into a major Category 4 …

Federal Water Center in Alabama to Provide Aid in National Water Crises

A new federal center will help improve forecasts and emergency response during future water crises like the California drought and flooding in Texas, Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker said this week. Pritzker’s comments came during the unveiling of the National Water …

El Niño Strengthens as Pacific Temperatures Show Same Trend as ’97-’98

The El Niño taking hold across the Pacific strengthened, according to Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology, citing indexes of sea-surfaces temperatures that showed the same trend for the first time since the event in 1997-1998. All five NINO indexes, averaged over …

NOAA: Spring Flooding Risk in Western N.Y., Eastern New England

According to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Spring Outlook released today, rivers in western New York and eastern New England have the greatest risk of spring flooding in part because of heavy snowpack coupled with possible spring rain. Record-breaking …

NOAA: No Spring Drought Relief for California, Nevada, Oregon

Californians facing a fourth year of drought conditions – and some other parts of the West – shouldn’t count on any relief in the coming months. In California this doesn’t bode well for chances of a mild wildfire season, and …

Solar Storm Jolts Earth; No Damage Reported

A severe solar storm smacked Earth with a surprisingly big geomagnetic jolt Tuesday, potentially affecting power grids and GPS tracking while pushing the colorful northern lights farther south, federal forecasters said. So far no damage has been reported. Two blasts …

Climate Change Modeling on Cusp of Paradigm Shift

In the face of growing interest in climate change impacts, several big catastrophe modelers said they’ve heard from more clients interested in receiving climate-related data and they believe the field is on the cusp of a change in the way …

Climate Change in 2015 Could be Bigger Than Religion – or Selfie

The phrase “climate change” yields roughly 108 million results in a Google search – in the ballpark in terms of numbers of results with “Jesus Christ,” “Mohamed” and “selfie” – and you can expect the phrase to become an even …