National Rifle Association News

Gunmakers’ Liability Shield Emerges as Issue in Democratic Presidential Race

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Sunday backed away from a controversial vote he cast in 2005 on legislation to grant immunity to gun manufacturers and dealers from liability if their firearms are used criminally. On NBC’s Meet The Press,one …

U.S. Supreme Court Rejects NRA Challenge to San Francisco Gun Law

The U.S. Supreme Court turned away a National Rifle Association challenge to a San Francisco law that requires people who store handguns at home to either put them in a lockbox or disable them with a trigger lock. Over two …

Florida Gun Owners Without Permits Get Exemption for Hurricanes

Florida gun owners who don’t have a concealed weapons permit can now take their firearms with them while fleeing a hurricane. Not that it’s been a big problem in Florida in the past. No one can cite an example of …

NRA Seeks Guns-in-Cars Law in Alabama

A lobbyist for the National Rifle Association said the gun lobby expects to support legislation in Alabama next year allowing people to carry a loaded handgun in their car without a permit. NRA lobbyist Michael Sullivan told that he …

Judge Upholds Florida Law Curbing Doctors’ Gun Speech with Patients

A Florida law restricting what doctors can tell patients about gun ownership was deemed to be constitutional by a federal appeals court, which said it legitimately regulates professional conduct and doesn’t violate the doctors’ First Amendment free speech rights. The …

NRA Insurance Enables Oregon Shooting Ranges to Reopen

Shooting ranges in White City, Ore. are reopening after the National Rifle Association agreed to provide insurance coverage. The 18 ranges were forced to close July 1 because their insurance carrier dropped coverage after a man filed a claim after …

Insurers Cooperated in Writing of Florida Rule on Gun Ownership

Florida lawmakers have approved legislation that supporters say will uphold a policyholder’s constitutional right to bear arms by preventing insurers from using gun ownership in underwriting. The Florida House of Representatives by a 77 to 44 margin signed-off on the …

Gun Liability Insurance Bills Aren’t the Answer, Says Insurance Industry

Congress appears ready to take up gun control legislation for the first time in years, with proposals under consideration focusing on background checks, straw purchases and money for school safety. If the debate stays on those issues, the insurance industry …

California Bill Would Force Gun Owners to Buy Insurance

Democratic lawmakers have proposed legislation that would require California gun owners to buy liability insurance to cover damages or injuries caused by their weapons. Similar bills have been introduced in other states after the Newtown, Conn., school massacre. They include …

Alabama Bill Would Allow Guns at Work

An Alabama lawmaker is again pushing legislation that would let employees take handguns to work. State Sen. Roger Bedford, D-Russellville, says his bill is aimed at increasing personal safety, reported The Montgomery Advertiser. “I think it’s necessary so people will …