National Safety Council News

Americans on Road to Driving Record Number of Miles

American drivers logged a record number of miles in the first three months of the year, as travel rose 4.2 percent to 746 billion miles, the U.S. Transportation Department said on Friday. In March this year, Americans drove 273.4 billion …

Pedestrian Deaths in Minnesota Rising Again

The number of pedestrians struck and killed is on the rise in Minnesota a year after it had dropped, and officials say distracted walking appears to be a big factor. As of mid-December, the number of pedestrian deaths this year …

Survey: Prescription Drug Abuse Affecting Indiana Companies

The majority of Indiana companies that responded to a survey tied to the state’s growing woes with prescription medication abuse say their businesses are being affected by workplace abuse or misuse of those drugs, according to findings released on Dec. …

A Guide to New Car Safety Technologies

With automakers offering an increasing array of safety technologies, drivers sometimes find themselves struggling to stay up to speed with the systems in their cars. Some of the devices have been around a decade or more but have only become …

Traffic Deaths, Costs On Pace to Reach Highest Since 2007

Traffic deaths are 14 percent higher through the first six months of 2015 than they were during the same period in 2014, and serious injuries are 30 percent higher, according to the National Safety Council. From January to June, nearly …

Worried About Dying from Surgery, Hurricane, Plane Crash? Check Out the Odds

Americans who worry about dying worry about the wrong things. That’s according to the National Safety Council, which kicked off National Safety Month by unveiling its annual list of Americans’ “Odds of Dying” from various causes. The list of statistical …

Why Hands-Free Cell Phones Are Not Safer: Safety Council

A National Safety Council public opinion poll indicates that 80 percent of drivers across the country believe that hands-free devices are safer than using a handheld phone despite evidence this is nit true. More than 30 studies show hands-free devices …

Arizona Teen Drivers Face Cellphone Ban Under Senate Bill

Arizona lawmakers are coming after teen drivers’ cellphones. A bill approved by the Senate Committee on Public Safety on Wednesday seeks to prohibit teenagers from using wireless devices while they have their learner’s permit and during the first six months …

Graduated Driver Licensing Could Save 2,000 Lives, $13.6 Billion: Study

If all states implemented comprehensive graduated driver licensing (GDL) laws, an estimated 2,000 lives could be saved. Further, if all 50 states were to enact comprehensive GDL laws, it could generate savings of $13.6 billion per year. That’s according to …