National Security Agency News

National Security Agency Is Starting an Artificial Intelligence Security Center

The National Security Agency is starting an artificial intelligence security center – a crucial mission as AI capabilities are increasingly acquired, developed and integrated into U.S. defense and intelligence systems, the agency`s outgoing director announced Thursday. Army Gen. Paul Nakasone …

TikTok Represents ‘Strategic’ Challenge, Says Top Cyber Official

The head of the U.S. National Security Agency’s cybersecurity directorate on Monday said TikTok represents a “strategic issue” rather than an immediate “tactical” threat to the United States. Speaking at a policy conference in Northern California, Rob Joyce, director of …

NSA Watchdog Concluded One Analyst’s Surveillance Project Went Too Far

An “experienced” analyst working at the National Security Agency developed a surveillance project about a decade ago that resulted in the unauthorized targeting and collection of private communications of people or organizations in the US, newly unearthed documents show. An …

How Russian Military Uses ‘Brute Force’ to Hack U.S. Government, Companies

U.S. and British agencies disclosed last week details of “brute force” methods they say have been used by Russian intelligence to try to break into the cloud services of hundreds of government agencies, energy companies and other organizations. An advisory …

Russian Spy Agency SVR Responsible for SolarWinds Hack: White House

The White House said in a statement on Thursday that Russia’s foreign intelligence service, known as the SVR, was responsible for the SolarWinds hack, which led to the compromise of nine federal agencies and hundreds of private sector companies. Senior …

U.S. Warns Partners, Industrial Firms About Russian Hacking Operation

The U.S. National Security Agency on Thursday warned government partners and private companies about a Russian hacking operation that uses a special intrusion technique to target operating systems often used by industrial firms to manage computer infrastructure. “This is a …

Behind the Foggy Curtain: A Peek Into Secret U.S. Cybersecurity Operation

The National Security Agency is normally so secretive that its creation was classified, leading to the nickname “No Such Agency.” But in a move that surely caused hand-wringing and murmurs among the nation’s longtime spies, the agency opened its doors …

National Security Agency Chief Forms Task Force to Counter Russian Cyber Threats

Paul Nakasone, U.S. cyber commander and director of the National Security Agency, confirmed that he’s created a special task force to address Russian threats in cyberspace. Russia has “great capabilities on which we will certainly be called upon,” Nakasone said …

Senate Committee Passes Cyber Threat Sharing Bill

The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee voted 14-1 on Thursday to approve a bill intended to enhance information sharing between private companies and intelligence agencies about cybersecurity threats. The panel’s approval cleared the way for a vote in the full Senate …

Hackers Pose High Terror Threat to U.S., Says 9/11 Panel

The terrorist threat against the U.S. remains dangerous 10 years after the 9/11 Commission issued its first report — only now the risk is greater online. In a report issued last week, panel members who studied the 2001 attacks urged …