natural catastrophes News

Lloyd’s Syndicates Join Forces to Help Emerging Markets Build Nat Cat Resilience

Eight Lloyd’s syndicates are joining forces to develop new solutions to help developing economies tackle underinsurance and improve their resilience against the economic impact of natural catastrophes. Emerging economies across Latin America, Africa, and Asia currently contribute 40 percent to …

Allianz’ Q3 Profit Down 15% as Earnings Decline at P&C, Asset Management Units

Allianz SE, Europe’s biggest insurer, said third-quarter profit dropped 15 percent as earnings at its property and casualty and asset management units declined. Net income fell to 1.36 billion euros ($1.48 billion) from 1.61 billion euros [$1.7 billion] a year …

Aspen Estimates Tianjin Explosion to Cost $30 Million; Nat Cats Total $20 Million

Bermuda-based Aspen Insurance Holdings Limited estimates its Aspen Re subsidiary lost approximately $50 million from the August 12 explosion in the Port of Tianjin, China, and from natural catastrophes during the third quarter of 2015. Approximately $30 million of these …

Willis to Help Mobilize Global ‘Resilience Modelling & Mapping Forum’ for Nat Cat

Willis Group Holdings is providing $1 million to help mobilize a global “Resilience Modelling and Mapping Forum” to address natural catastrophe risk, according to Dominic Casserley, CEO. The Resilience Modelling and Mapping Forum is a collaboration between the global re/insurance …

Gap Between Insured & Economic Losses Offers Business Opportunities: AIR

A huge global gap between disaster-related insured and economic losses presents a growth opportunity for P/C carriers, AIR Worldwide determined in a new report. What the catastrophe modeling firm found: the global insured average annual loss comes in at $74 …

Governments Must Act to Cap Global Warming at UN Summit: Reinsurers

Politicians must act to cap global warming when they meet at a United Nations summit at the end of the year as the financial and humanitarian consequences of natural catastrophes become ever clearer, reinsurers meeting at an industry conference said. …

Underinsurance of Property Is Growing Global Challenge: Swiss Re Report

The underinsurance of property risk – particularly natural catastrophe risks – has risen steadily over the past 40 years, even though claims payments have increased significantly during that period, according to Swiss Re’s latest sigma study. In the last 10 …

Global Insured Cat Losses in First Half Are Below Long-Term Average: Munich Re

Overall losses and insured losses from natural catastrophes during the first half of 2015 were below long-term average values, according to a review of global natural catastrophes issued by Munich Re. Total natural catastrophe losses incurred in the first half …

Reinsurance Industry Faces Uncertain Future as Time Moves On

It’s around two months until the annual Reinsurance Rendezvous in Monte Carlo, where the reinsurers, brokers, carriers, lawyers, accountants and cat modelers discuss the state of their industry. That industry, until recently a rock solid bastion of the “we do …

Swiss Re Identifies Top Emerging Risks

De-globalization and political conflict, large natural catastrophes, financial repression and the challenge posed by the “Internet of Things” are some of the risks identified in this year’s “New emerging risk insights” report published by Swiss Re. The publication is based …