natural catastrophes News

A.M. Best: Australia’s Nat Cat Losses Will Challenge Underwriting Profits

A string of recent major natural catastrophe events in Australia is expected to materially affect non-life insurers’ upcoming earnings for the fiscal year that ends June 30, 2015, according to an A.M. Bestbriefing. However, the Best’s Briefing, titled, “Recent Natural …

2014 Insured Cat Losses below Average at $35 Bn: Swiss Re Sigma Report

Swiss Re has just released its sigma report on catastrophe losses for 2014, which confirms that total global economic losses from natural catastrophes and man-made disasters were around $110 billion, compared to global insured losses of about $35 billion, which …

Allianz Survey: Businesses Face New Challenges in Interconnected World

Business interruption (BI) and supply chain, natural catastrophes and fire/explosion are the major risks that occupy the attention of companies at the start of 2015, according to the fourth annual “Allianz Risk Barometer 2015.” The Risk Barometer details the top …

Allianz Reports 11.2% Hike in Net Income During Third Quarter

During the third quarter of 2014, Allianz Group reported total quarterly revenues increased 14.5 percent to 28.78 billion euros*, compared to 25.14 billion euros in the third quarter of 2013. Operating profit stood at 2.65 billion euros, up 5.2 percent …

Swiss Re Net Income Rises 14%, Supported by Lower Catastrophe Losses

Swiss Re AG, the world’s second- biggest reinsurer, said third-quarter profit rose 14 percent, beating analysts’ estimates, following lower-than-expected losses from natural catastrophes. Net income rose to $1.23 billion from $1.07 billion in the year-earlier period, beating the $928.6 million …

Lockton, Burns & Wilcox Brokerage Offer Income Protection without Physical Loss

Lockton Cos. and wholesale broker Burns & Wilcox Brokerage have joined the Ebola-sensitive insurance protection movement with a product that protects companies from income losses and increased costs incurred without actual physical damages. The companies have launched the Protection Against …

Hedge Funds Move Into Catastrophe Reinsurance

Hedge funds are muscling their way into the market to share the cost of cleaning up after natural catastrophes, but skeptics are questioning whether they will stick around ahead of the next “big one” as underwriting returns fall. Hedge funds …

Swiss Re sigma Report Estimates 1st Half 2014 Insured Losses at $21 Billion

According to preliminary estimates in a sigma report from Swiss Re, total economic losses from natural catastrophes and man-made disasters reached $44 billion in the first half of 2014. The global insurance industry covered $21 billion of these losses, down …

Oklahoma Bills Would Limit Liability of Shelters During Storms

A pair of Oklahoma legislators says businesses, schools and churches that open their doors to passers-by during violent weather should be spared liability if their temporary guests are hurt or killed. A bill by Rep. Larry Glenn, R-Miami, would exempt …

National Tornado Summit Focused on Catastrophe Preparedness, Response

The third annual National Tornado Summit being held Feb. 10 and 11 in Oklahoma City will bring together insurance industry professionals, emergency managers, policymakers and weather experts. Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner John Doak says it’s an unequaled opportunity for attendees to …