Nebraska News

Nebraska, Iowa Towns Among Safest in U.S.

Several cities in Nebraska and Iowa made Farmers Insurance’s lists of the safer and most secure places to live in the country. The insurer ranked cities of different sizes based on crime rates, natural disaster risks, environmental hazards, car accidents, …

Nebraska Police Say Hands Tied with Texting Ban

Law enforcement officials in Nebraska continue to grapple with how to enforce a 2010 state law that bans texting while driving. Columbus police have issued one ticket and three warnings since the ban went into effect almost 18 months ago, …

Nebraska Health Providers Urge State-based Insurance Exchange

Nebraska should not wait for the U.S. Supreme Court to rule on the Obama administration’s health care overhaul before it prepares a state-based insurance exchange, a leading hospital advocate said. Bruce Rieker, a lobbyist for the Nebraska Hospital Association, said …

Nebraska Health Exchange Would Need 83K-100K Enrollees

As many as 100,000 Nebraskans would need to enroll in a state-based health insurance exchange before the program could sustain itself as required, according to a report presented to lawmakers on Oct. 28. Insurance Department Director Bruce Ramge told a …

Nebraska Court: Insurance Won’t Cover Fireworks Injury

A judge has ruled a Lincoln, Neb., man can’t get help from his insurance company to pay for injuries inflicted on an 80-year-old woman in a fireworks accident because it happened during a criminal act. The Lincoln Journal Star reported …

Nebraska Insurance Director Needs More Data on Exchange Cost

Nebraska insurance officials can’t decide whether to recommend a state-based health insurance exchange or follow a proposed federal model until they know how much the national plan will cost, Nebraska Department of Insurance Director Bruce Ramge said. The department is …

Insurer Says Exclusion Bars Payment in Nebraska Pastor’s Death

An insurance company specializing in policies for churches is asking a federal court to absolve it from paying a claim by the widow of a central Nebraska pastor who died of carbon monoxide poisoning in a house owned by the …

Nebraska County Must Pay $407K in Car Crash Lawsuit

Furnas County, Neb., has been ordered to pay more than $407,000 to a man injured in a car accident. The Lincoln Journal Star reports that U.S. District Judge Laurie Smith Camp awarded nearly $679,000 to Juston Pohl. But the judge …

Ohio and Nebraska Agencies Join Iroquois Group

Mittelstadt Agency of Nebraska and Nelson Insurance of Ohio joined the Iroquois Group. The agency was founded in June of 2000 and recently went independent after 11 years of being affiliated with Farmers Insurance Group. Iroquois, one of the oldest …

Insurance Company Gives Money to Omaha Hospitals

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska is providing money for two Omaha hospitals to improve patient outcomes after surgery. The insurance company has paid $35,000 each to Creighton University Medical Center and Methodist Hospital. The money will cover the …