Nebraska News

Flooded Missouri River Threatens Tributaries, Downstream Towns

In a season of flooding by some of the nation’s biggest rivers, it’s streams most Americans have never heard of that could cause some of the worst problems in the Midwest. Hundreds of tributaries that feed the congested Missouri River …

Nebraska Nuke Utilities Say Safety Prevails Amid Flood

The utilities that run Nebraska’s two nuclear power plants want the public to know the facilities are safe, even though floodwaters from the Missouri River have surrounded one plant and are encroaching on another. Fort Calhoun and Cooper nuclear power …

Nebraska: Insurers May Not Collect Fees for Health Insurance Consultants

Health insurance companies may not collect fees from a new insured on behalf of an insurance consultant if the insurance business is placed by an insurance consultant in Nebraska, according to the Nebraska Department of Insurance. The Nebraska DOI said …

Florida Workers’ Compensation Market Remains Competitive: Report

Florida’s workers’ compensation market remains competitive with more than 250 private insurers writing coverage and only a fraction of business being funneled to the residual market. Also, availability does not appear to be a major concern in the aggregate, although …

Oklahoma Legislator to Continue Push for Workers’ Comp Reform

An Oklahoma state representative says he’s prepared to introduce legislation to further improve the state’s workers’ compensation system. Rep. Mark McCullough says the recent recommendations of the Task Force on Vocational Rehabilitation in Workers’ Compensation will be introduced as legislation …

Scientist Alleges Religious Bias Cost Him Job at U of Kentucky

An astronomer argues that his Christian faith and his peers’ belief that he is an evolution skeptic kept him from getting a prestigious job as the director of a new student observatory at the University of Kentucky. Martin Gaskell quickly …

Florida Case Is Next Test for Health Care Law

Attorneys for 20 states fighting the new federal health care law told a judge last week it will expand the government’s powers in dangerous and unintended ways. The states want U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson to issue a summary judgment …

How an E&O Claim Could Affect Agency Employee’s Career

Survey Finds Agencies Take a Second Look at Hiring Employees With Past E&O Histories Today’s soft insurance market, reduced commissions and a tough economy for agency owners and their clients might be adding to agency errors and omissions (E&O) exposures. …


Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman appointed Bruce Ramge of Omaha to serve as the director of the Nebraska Department of Insurance (DOI). He has served as acting director since October 30, and has served as deputy director of the department since …

Crop Bounty Spurs Construction Boom at Midwest Grain Elevators

A construction boom has been under way at grain elevators across the Great Plains, where farmers have grown more corn and opted to keep more of the grain to meet the demand from ethanol plants. Storage capacity at the nation’s …