Nebraska News


Ku Klux Klan “The ability of the State Patrol to effectively protect its citizens requires the public’s trust. Allowing a Klan member in the ranks destroys that trust.” Comments made by the Nebraska Attorney General after the office asked a …

More fallout expected from Neb. Supreme Court ruling on liability

Skate parks across Nebraska, such as those in Fremont, Norfolk and North Platte, are the first casualties of a state Supreme Court decision about liability and insurance coverage, many are saying. The Nebraska Supreme Court ruled in late September that …

Appointed, Elected Commissioner Jobs on the Line

The jobs of more than half of state insurance commissioners around the country could be on the line on this 2006 midterm Election Day. The futures of as many as 30 of the nation’s insurance commissioners are tied to the …


Ku Klux Klan “The ability of the State Patrol to effectively protect its citizens requires the public’s trust. Allowing a Klan member in the ranks destroys that trust.” Comments made by the Nebraska Attorney General after the office asked a …

More fallout expected from Neb. Supreme Court ruling on liability

Skate parks across Nebraska, such as those in Fremont, Norfolk and North Platte, are the first casualties of a state Supreme Court decision about liability and insurance coverage, many are saying. The Nebraska Supreme Court ruled in late September that …

Rate Reductions Approved for MiniCo Self-Storage Program

MiniCo Insurance has received approval for rate reductions in seven states for self-storage risks eligible for the MiniCo self-storage specialty insurance program. The seven states are Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, and Wisconsin. Each submission will be evaluated by …

Rate Reductions Approved in Midwest for MiniCo Self-Storage Program

Mike Schofield, president of Phoenix, Ariz.-based MiniCo Insurance, recently announced that the company has received approval for rate reductions in seven states for self-storage risks eligible for the MiniCo self-storage specialty insurance program. The seven states are Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, …

More Fallout Expected from Neb. Supreme Court Ruling on Liability

Skate parks across Nebraska, such as those in Fremont, Norfolk and North Platte, are the first casualties of a state Supreme Court decision about liability and insurance coverage, many are saying. The Nebraska Supreme Court ruled in late September that …

Neb. Attorney General Asks Court to Reverse Ruling on Trooper Tied to KKK

The Nebraska Attorney General’s office asked a district court judge earlier this month to vacate an arbitrator’s decision that a Nebraska state trooper should be reinstated despite his membership in a group tied to the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). “The …

It Figures

1696 Insurance companies are the litigation champions confronting an average of 1,696 lawsuits, spanning from product liability and environmental class actions to directors and officers claims, and even coverage fights over hurricanes and terrorist attacks, according to a new survey …