Nebraska News

Coloring by Numbers

The vote tallies in the presidential and congressional races suggest this is a blue region (with the exception of Virginia) but that is probably not true of the insurance community here or elsewhere. Purple, maybe; blue, doubtful. Blue voters can …

People & Places

Craig Streem Aon Corp., the world’s No. 2 insurance broker, has named Craig A. Streem to the position of vice president and head of investor relations. Streem was most recently vice president of corporate relations and communications for Household International, …


A National Association of Insurance Commissioners report comparing auto insurance rates in all 50 states and the District of Columbia found that North Carolina ranks eighth in the nation for the lowest rates. This is an improvement over the ninth-lowest …

American Institute for CPCU Names Holm Midwest Marketing Director

The Malvern, Pa.-based American Institute for CPCU has named Michael P. Holm its new Midwestern region marketing director. Holm is responsible for marketing activities that involve maintaining relationships with organizations that use and teach Institute courses, developing new customers, and …

Ore. Man Must Stop Selling Insurance

Oregon’s Department of Consumer and Business Services (DCBS) has issued a cease and desist order against a Salem man who reportedly continued to transact insurance even after his license was revoked. An investigation by the DCBS Insurance Division found that …

Study: Malpractice Caps Would Save Companies 15 Percent

Groups for and against capping noneconomic damage awards for medical malpractice both claimed that a Wyoming Healthcare Commission report upholds their positions. The study suggests that capping noneconomic damages at $250,000 could reduce insurance company losses by 15 percent. The …

States Loathe to Lose Say Over Insurance Plans

Strong objections are being voiced in the states to part of President Bush’s prescription to make health insurance more affordable for small businesses. The principal worry is that states will lose the ability to regulate certain insurance plans and protect …

Venture Programs Notes New Atlanta Staff

Venture Programs Inc., (, a provider in designing, underwriting and administering industry-focused insurance programs, announced two new staff positions at its Southern Region office in Atlanta. Shelley Keenan has joined the company as production underwriter for the Southern Region and …

States Get Tough on Parents with Underage Drinking Liability Laws

Lenient parents best beware: A new generation of tough laws make parents liable for underage drinking. In the past decade, about 35 states have passed “social host” laws that make adults criminally and civilly liable when they provide alcohol to …

Malpractice Carrier Pulls Out of Wyoming

A Minnesota-based insurance company is dropping medical malpractice coverage for doctors who practice in Wyoming, a Gillette insurance agent said recently. “I’m sure there’s a lot of factors involved” in Midwest Medical Insurance Co.’s decision to limit the coverage, said …