Nebraska News

Regional Focus

Former Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill once famously said, “All politics is local.” The same could be said for the insurance industry—insurance coverage is definitely local. In addition, there continues to be a shift of business within the independent …

SECURA: Looking to Sustain Hard-Market Success

The CEO of Appleton, Wis.-based SECURA Insurance Cos., John Bykowski, took some time recently to talk with IJ during the Independent Insurance Agents of Wisconsin’s annual convention. SECURA has total assets of $406 million as of year-end 2003, operates in …

New R.I. Law Allows Terrorism Exclusion for Certain Commercial Risks

A new Rhode Island law allows for a terrorism exclusion from the Standard Fire Policy (SFP) for certain commercial risks. The new law, which became effective last week, amends the state’s Special Commercial Risk statute to exempt those risks from …

Nebraska’s Chance to Modernize Still Alive and Kicking

While the legislative effort did not advance this session, conditions in Nebraska are excellent for regulatory modernization. Commissioner Wagner has traditionally been supportive of streamlining and modernization efforts. In a legislative session dominated by budgetary matters, Nebraska legislators this year …

Regional Focus

Former Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill was attributed with the comment that “all politics are local.” The same could be said for the insurance industry—insurance coverage is definitely local. In addition, there continues to be a shift of business …

Summer Means Wild Weather in Some Western States

Summer is here and with it comes unstable weather conditions that can cause problems for consumers and agents alike in some parts of the United States. As if ushering in the season, insurers and insurance organizations are busy issuing reminders …

Neb. Gov. Unveils Updated Public Damage Estimates From May 22 Storms

Nebraska Gov. Mike Johanns has released the latest public damages estimate from tornadoes, high winds, hail and flooding that hit Nebraska on May 22, which total approximately $12.1 million. The Governor sent a letter this week to the Federal Emergency …

Finally Got a Piece of the Pie: Breaking Down the Public Entity Barrier

From a small- to mid-sized agency’s perspective, producing public-entity business can seem like a Herculean task. The risks are often large and complex, and the political circumstances in which public entities are embedded present two additional challenges above and beyond …

Tornadoes Rip Through Storm-Weary Midwest

Powerful storms again swept across the Midwest, downing trees and power lines and spawning twisters that leveled houses and barns and sent mobile homes hurtling through the air. In Marengo, Ind., a town of 800 about 35 miles northwest of …

Conn. Gov. Rowland Signs Terror Exclusion Law

Connecticut Gov. John Rowland (R) has signed into law important legislation to create a terrorism exclusion in the state’s Standard Fire Policy (SFP). The American Insurance Association (AIA), among other industr groups, advocated for the legislation. “At a time when …