negligence claim in Facebook IPO News

Facebook CEO, Directors Face New Lawsuit Over Last Year’s Troubled IPO

A Facebook Inc. shareholder filed a lawsuit over the largest social networking company’s botched initial public offering and is seeking to hold Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg, directors and officers responsible for the damage. The lawsuit by Gaye Jones alleges that …

Nasdaq Boosts Payments to Firms Over Facebook IPO to $62 Million

Nasdaq OMX Group Inc. plans to pay out $62 million in cash to firms that lost money in Facebook Inc.’s bungled initial public offering in May, modifying an earlier plan that drew intense criticism from market makers and other exchanges. …

Many Gray Areas in Legal Arguments Over Botched Faceook IPO

Facebook’s initial public offering has sparked lawsuits and investigations after a botched trading debut on the Nasdaq stock market delayed the completion of many orders and questions arose about selective disclosures of the company’s financial prospects. Facebook’s shares closed on …