Neil Roberts News

Insurers Reviewing Black Sea Ship Cover After Russia Quits Grain Deal: Sources

Insurers are reviewing whether to freeze cover for any ships willing to sail to Ukraine after Russia on Monday quit a U.N.-backed deal that allows the export of grain through a wartime Black Sea safe corridor, industry sources said. The …

Insurers Get Safety Assurances for Ships Exporting Ukraine Grain Through Black Sea

Ships exporting Ukraine grain through the Black Sea will be protected by a 10 nautical mile buffer zone, according to long-awaited procedures agreed by Russia, Ukraine, Turkey and the United Nations on Monday and seen by Reuters. The United Nations …

Insurers Weigh Covering Ukraine Grain Shipments After Deal to Re-open Black Sea Ports

A number of insurance underwriters are interested in providing cover for grain shipments from Ukraine after an agreement was reached to re-open Black Sea ports, although the first shipments are expected to be weeks away, industry sources said on Friday. …

Ukraine’s Grain Challenge: Clearing Mines, Finding Ships and Insurance, Trusting Putin

Ukraine finally secured a deal aimed at restarting crucial Black Sea grain exports that have been crippled by Russia’s invasion. But getting them going won’t be easy. Government officials from Kyiv and Moscow on Friday signed parallel agreements with Turkey …

Warming Arctic Is Key to Understanding Climate Change Risks, Experts Say

HONG KONG/BRUSSELS – The environmental transformation happening in the Arctic is key to understanding the potential global impacts of climate change, an Alaska Native leader and a polar explorer told the Reuters Next conference on Monday [Jan. 11]. With climate …

London’s Marine Insurers to Assess Risk Level After Ship Attacks in Middle East

London’s marine insurance market will meet on Thursday to assess whether it needs to change the risk level for vessels in the Gulf after an attack on ships off the United Arab Emirates earlier this week, a senior official said …

Nerves on Edge After South China Sea Ruling; Insurance Rates Still Stable

Global oil and shipping markets reacted nervously on Tuesday after an international arbitration court ruled against Beijing’s claims across large swathes of the South China Sea, fueling geopolitical tensions in the vital waterway. A tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands, found …