net neutrality News

US Revives Net Neutrality to Establish Authority Over Internet

US regulators reinstated net neutrality rules that aim to ensure everything on the internet is equally accessible, reclaiming authority over broadband service and setting the stage for legal challenges. The Federal Communications Commission’s Democratic majority adopted rules that bar broadband …

3 Companies Fined for Millions of Fake Comments to FCC Opposing Net Neutrality

New York officials reported they have secured $615,000 from three companies that supplied millions of fake public comments to influence a 2017 proceeding by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to repeal net neutrality rules. New York Attorney General Letitia James …

U.S. Senate Democrats Plan Bill Aiming to Restore ‘Net Neutrality’

Two U.S. Senate Democrats active in internet issues are working on a bill to restore landmark “net neutrality” rules that would bar telecommunications companies from blocking or throttling traffic or offering paid fast lanes. Senators Edward Markey and Ron Wyden …