New Mexico News

Disaster Loans Made Available for New Mexico Small Businesses

Small businesses in eight New Mexico counties are eligible for federal disaster loans due to the drought. The U.S. Small Business Administration made the announcement Friday, saying the loans can help offset economic losses from reduced revenues caused by the …

Oversight Chair Questions Safety At New Mexico Nuke Dump

The recent truck fire and radiation release from the government’s troubled nuclear waste dump in southeastern New Mexico were “near misses” at a facility whose workers proved unprepared to respond to the emergencies, the head of an independent oversight agency …

Ban On Texting While Driving To Become New Mexico Law

A proposal to ban texting while driving in New Mexico will become official law. Gov. Susana Martinez is scheduled to sign legislation that would prohibit texting while operating a vehicle Sunday afternoon. Martinez will sign the bill while visiting the …

Lea County in New Mexico Declared Disaster Area Due To Drought

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has designated Lea County a natural disaster area, making drought-stricken farmers and ranchers in the area eligible for assistance. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the designation on Tuesday, saying he and President Obama are committed …

Bill to Repeal New Mexico Immigrant Driver’s License Law Stalls

A bill that would have stopped New Mexico from granting driver’s licenses to most immigrants without proper documentation has stalled in the Legislature. The Santa Fe New Mexican reported the legislation could not overcome a tie vote Saturday afternoon among …

New Mexico Woman Settles Solitary Confinement Suit

A woman who says she was kept in a filthy, isolated New Mexico jail cell for months at a time has reached a $1.6 million settlement with Valencia County, attorneys for both sides confirmed. The settlement came after an attorney …

Houser Promoted to President – Markel Wholesale’s Mid South Region

Markel Corp. has promoted Wendy Houser to president, Mid South region, of Markel’s Wholesale division. The Mid South region includes Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. Houser joined Markel in 2008 and helped to establish Markel’s Mid South …

Texting While Driving Ban Again in New Mexico Lawmaker’s Sights

Another attempt is being made at the New Mexico Legislature to prohibit texting while driving. Democratic Sen. Peter Wirth of Santa Fe has pre-filed a bill, marking the fifth time a version of a texting-while-driving ban has been introduced at …

Insurance Equality Ordered For Gay Marriage in New Mexico

Insurance companies in New Mexico must provide same-sex married couples with the same discounts and benefits offered to opposite-sex married couples, the state insurance regulator announced Wednesday. Insurance Superintendent John Franchini said couples with valid marriage licenses – regardless of …

Disaster Declaration For New Mexico June Storms, Flooding

President Barack Obama has signed a disaster declaration for parts of New Mexico for June storms and flooding. The Federal Emergency Management Agency says that federal disaster aid is being made available to supplement state, local and tribal recovery efforts. …