New Mexico News

Disaster Declaration For New Mexico’s Santa Clara Pueblo

President Barack Obama has signed a disaster declaration for New Mexico’s Santa Clara Pueblo. Friday’s move frees up federal aid to supplement the tribe’s efforts in the area affected by severe storms and flooding in July. The disaster declaration provides …

New Mexico Floods Damaging But Also Brought Drought Relief

Recent flooding brought widespread damage to New Mexico, but the rain also provided significant relief for the state’s drought. Some places, like Albuquerque, are still well short of their 36-month rainfall average, but the Pecos River in eastern New Mexico …

Total Estimates From New Mexico Floods May Take Weeks

It could be a while before the exact amount of damage from recent heavy rain and flooding in New Mexico will be known, officials said. Counties are submitting preliminary flood damage estimates to the Federal Emergency Management Agency as federal …

Flood Weary New Mexico Keeps Eyes On Rivers, Dams

Forecasters says there’s a potential for flash flooding and river flooding as more rainfall is expected across much of northern and central New Mexico well into late this week. The National Weather Service says the potential for flooding is strongest …

New Mexico Cleans Up After Widespread Flooding

Flood waters broke through dams, inundated neighborhoods and killed at least one person, leaving New Mexico residents with a major cleanup effort. The massive flooding prompted Gov. Susana Martinez to issue a state of emergency, opening up recovery funding after …

New Mexico, Chevron Settle Case Over Cleanup Costs

New Mexico officials say Chevron Corp. will pay $5.2 million to settle claims that the energy company improperly applied for money from an environmental cleanup fund. The state alleges Chevron falsely claimed it didn’t have and didn’t collect on insurance …

New Mexico City Refuses To Pay For Damage From ‘Bait’ Car

Albuquerque refuses to pay for damage to a New Mexico home struck by a city-owned bait car driven by teens, directing the homeowner to turn to his insurance policy to recover the costs for the damages. Bait cars are vehicles …

Driver’s Licenses For Immigrants Declining In New Mexico

As more states prepare to offer driving privileges to immigrants who illegally entered the U.S., heavily Hispanic New Mexico appears headed in the other direction. An Associated Press review of state records shows New Mexico is issuing fewer driver’s licenses …

USDA Includes 2 New Mexico Counties In Drought Aid Areas

Two northern New Mexico counties are included in new federal government designations of primary disaster areas due to damages and losses caused by the ongoing drought. The USDA says farmers and ranchers in Rio Arriba and Taos counties are eligible …

Reports: 236 Oil, Gas Sites in New Mexico Failed Inspections

About 85 percent of 276 oil and gas well sites inspected in southeastern New Mexico over the past six weeks have failed to pass after-the-fact electrical safety inspections. Correction notices were issued to those sites that received a “failed” grade. …