New York Fire Department News

Roughly 85K Museum Artifacts Feared Lost in NYC Chinatown Fire

Some 85,000 artifacts that tell the story of the Chinese migration to the United States may have been lost in a fire that struck a building in the heart of Manhattan’s Chinatown, a museum official said Friday. The president of …

Helicopter Trade Group Had Fought Open-Door Tours for Years

The leading trade group for helicopter operators has, for at least two years, urged a halt to open-door tours such as the one that ended in the death of five people in the East River off Manhattan on March 11. …

Fatal Copter Tour Flew Under Looser Rules of Crop-Dusters

The open-door helicopter tour in which five people died in a crash landing in the East River off Manhattan on Sunday was operating under safety restrictions reserved for photography flights that are looser than those for commercial air-tour rides. Federal …