New York Governor Andrew Cuomo News

Q&A: How Driverless Car Technology Could Impact New York and Other States

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in May signed a budget bill into law allowing self-driving and self-parking cars to be tested for one year on New York public highways. Prior to this law going into effect, the technology was prohibited …

New York Subway Train Derails, Scaring Passengers and Injuring Dozens

A subway train derailed Tuesday as it entered a station, tossing people to the floor, forcing hundreds of shaken-up passengers to evacuate through darkened tunnels and delivering another jolt to a transit system plagued by aging equipment and reliability problems. …

NYC Planners With Sandy Nightmares Say Barrier May Come Too Late

The warming Atlantic Ocean has raised the risk of another Hurricane Sandy. And still, trillions of dollars of real estate and infrastructure near the shores of New York City and northern New Jersey remain vulnerable to devastation. A storm-surge barrier …

New York Flood Areas Getting Portable Dams, $1M in State Aid

Water-filled portable dams are being deployed and $1 million in state funding will go toward emergency repairs to wastewater treatment systems in two flood-damaged Lake Ontario communities, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Tuesday. A temporary emergency barrier system using water-filled dams …

Cuomo Takes Steps to Keep New York Insurers in Obamacare

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced steps on Monday to encourage insurers to keep selling health plans in the state’s Obamacare exchange, as the companies withdraw from other markets amid uncertainty surrounding the health law. The state is tying participation …

New York: $7M for Homeowners Hit by Lake Ontario Flooding

New York state is making $7 million available to help homeowners recover from flooding along the Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River shorelines. Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced the funding Monday. Homeowners will be able to get up to $40,000 in …

New York State Providing $10M for Lake Ontario Flooding Recovery

The state is making $10 million in funding available to New York municipalities dealing with flooding along the Lake Ontario shoreline. Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Monday that the funds will support flood recovery efforts such as repairing break walls, roads, …

New York Passes $153B Budget Including Workers’ Comp Reforms

The New York State Senate in April passed its $153 billion 2017-2018 state budget that includes reforms to workers’ compensation in the state. These reforms serve to help businesses, local governments and not-for-profits save money while also enhancing protections for …

Victims, Roman Catholic Church Spar Over New York Sex Abuse Bill

New York legislation to relax one of the nation’s most restrictive statutes of limitations on child molestation victims continues to stall under pressure from the Roman Catholic Church and other opponents. The bill has circled the drain in Albany for …

New York State Finalizes First-in-Nation Cyber Security Regulation

New York state announced a final cyber security regulation on Thursday with mandatory standards for banks and insurers to combat the ever-increasing risk of cyber attacks. The regulation, which takes effect March 1, follows a series of high-profile data breaches …