New York gun law News

$7.8M Court Order Blocks Ghost Gun Retailer From Selling Certain Parts in New York

A federal judge on Wednesday permanently banned a Florida gun retailer from selling or delivering certain gun parts in New York that officials say can be used to assemble untraceable ghost guns and sold without background checks. The court order …

New York City Defends ‘Stop and Frisk’ Policy After Report Calls It Unconstitutional

New York City’s reliance on the tactic known as “stop and frisk” as part of a new initiative to combat gun violence is harming communities of color and running afoul of the law, a court-appointed federal monitor reported this week. …

Court Order Restricts Sale of ‘Ghost Gun’ Parts in New York

The New York attorney general has won an order that stops gun companies from selling or distributing unfinished or unserialized gun parts used to assemble untraceable “ghost guns” to New York consumers. U.S. District Judge Jesse Furman in Manhattan granted …

Supreme Court Rejects Gun Retailers’ Objection to New York Regulations

The US Supreme Court refused to block new safety and record-keeping requirements that apply to New York gun retailers, letting the provisions stay in effect while a legal fight goes forward. The justices, without explanation or noted dissent, on Wednesday …

Supreme Court Allows New York’s Revised Gun Carry Law… for Now

The U.S. Supreme Court today allowed New York’s new gun carry law to remain in effect as legal challenges to the statute continue. In denying plaintiffs’ bid to vacate a Second Circuit Court of Appeal’s denial of a district court …

Appeals Court Allows New York to Keep Enforcing New Gun Law

A federal appeals court panel said New York can continue enforcing a new state law banning guns from “sensitive” places like parks and theaters while the judges consider a legal challenge. The temporary stay from the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court …

New Jersey Eyes Gun Carry Legislation Including Insurance Requirement

New Jersey Democrats say they are going to take a shot at passing new gun legislation similar to New York’s even thought that state’s law is facing a court challenge. Assembly Speaker Craig J. Coughlin and Senate President Nick Scutari, …

Federal Court Saves New York’s Gun Law Pending Review of Lower Court Order

A federal appeals court on Wednesday allowed New York to continue enforcing its new gun law as it considers a lower court ruling that would block key provisions. The decision from the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals came six …

New York Sets ‘Gun Free Zones’ to Restrict Guns; Regulates Concealed Carry Permits

Amid the bright lights and electronic billboards across New York’s Times Square, city authorities are posting new signs proclaiming the bustling crossroads a “Gun Free Zone.” The sprawling Manhattan tourist attraction is one of scores of “sensitive” places — including …

Lawsuit Challenges New York’s Revised Gun Safety Law

A federal lawsuit challenging part of New York’s new gun law was filed by Republican congressional candidate Carl Paladino, one of multiple legal challenges expected against state handgun licensing rules approved after a recent Supreme Court ruling. New York lawmakers …