NFIP extension News

Trump Signs Stopgap Government Funding Measure with 1 Year Flood Insurance Renewal

President Donald Trump signed a funding measure that will keep the federal government running until Dec. 11. The continuing resolution (HR 8337), which the House passed last week 359 to 57, was approved by the Senate in a 84-10 vote …

House Votes to Extend Flood Insurance Program 1 Year; Senate Yet to Vote

The House of Representatives yesterday extended the National Flood Insurance Program until Sept. 30, 2021 as part of a measure to fund the federal government through December 11. The flood insurance program is currently set to expire in a week …

Flood Insurance Program to Lapse Nov. 30 Unless Congress Acts

Once again the fate of the nation’s flood insurance program is coming down to the wire. Authorization for the program is set to expire Friday, Nov. 30 unless Congress acts. The most likely action will be another short-term extension. Sens. …

House Expected to Agree to Senate’s 60-Day Extension of Flood Program Tonight

The House of Representatives is expected to go along with a 60-day reauthorization of the federal flood insurance program already approved by the Senate. A vote will come on an amendment to H.R. 5740, the National Flood Insurance Program Extension …

Senate to Vote on 60-Day Extension of Flood Insurance Program

U.S. Sen. David Vitter, R.-La., said he and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D.-Nev., have forged a bipartisan agreement to allow floor time on a five-year extension of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) when it returns after Memorial Day …