NFL helmets News

NFL Has 8 New Impact Mitigating Helmets for Quarterbacks and Linemen

Eight new position-specific helmets for quarterbacks and linemen have been approved by the NFL and the NFL Players Association. Two of the new models manufactured by Riddell are designed for quarterbacks while six helmets are made for offensive and defensive …

NFL Innovation Challenge: $3 Million for a Better Helmet

The National Football League wants a better helmet, and for the first time, it’s willing to pay for it. The richest and most-watched U.S. sports league has created the NFL Helmet Challenge, a $3 million, 18-month contest to see who …

NFL Blows Whistle on Concussion Study Using Helmet Sensors

The National Football League has quietly announced that it is suspending a pilot program to track player concussions with helmet sensors. The sensors track the frequency and velocity of hits to the head, and will still be used in other …