NFL News

Fans File Blown-Call Lawsuit Seeking Do-Over of Rams-Saints Game

In the legal equivalent of a Hail Mary pass, two New Orleans Saints season ticket holders asked a judge on Tuesday to order the NFL commissioner to reverse the results of the NFC championship game that sent the Los Angeles …

Wyoming QB Looks to Be First to Take Out Insurance Against Injury

Wyoming is working with quarterback Josh Allen on obtaining an insurance policy in case Allen suffers an injury that might diminish his prospects for the NFL. Allen is considered by many to be among the top college quarterbacks in the …

As Super Bowl Approaches a Former NBA Player Reflects on Cumulative Injury

Most of us who sit down with our beverages and snacks to watch one of the biggest events in pro sports on Sunday won’t have things like workers’ compensation and cumulative injury on our minds. Just Brady vs. Ryan, Quinn …

Minnesota NFL Star Donating $100K to Flood Relief in Texas Hometown

Adrian Peterson grew up in Palestine, Texas, and has felt the support of its people as he rose to prominence in the NFL and when he endured the hardships that followed. Now, in his hometown’s hour of need, the Minnesota …

What Do Thanksgiving and Climate Change Have in Common?

You have to be either strange or bored to Google the phrase, “What do climate change and Thanksgiving have in common?” So I did. Believe it or not I got results, and found that there are at least two things …

Bill in California Responds to Cheerleader Lawsuits

They boost their teams from the sidelines and promote them by appearing in calendars and at fan events, but some sports cheerleaders say they are still not considered team employees and are paid what amounts to less than minimum wage. …

Former Utah University Employee Files Suit Against University

A former Utah State University employee who was fired for accepting gifts says he didn’t receive proper ethics training from the university. The Herald Journal reported that the university’s former outdoor recreation director Kevin Kobe has filed a lawsuit against …

49ers’ Worry Over Brain Trauma Prompts Another Early NFL Exit

Chris Borland is the most recent player to walk away from the National Football League while still in his 20s, and his decision – based on concern about long-term brain trauma – was applauded by many of his peers. Borland, …

Lloyd’s Suit, Upcoming NFL Draft Shine Light on Sports Insurance

As the 2015 National Football League draft approaches, a lawsuit against Lloyd’s of London by former University of Southern California Trojans receiver Marqise Lee has placed a spotlight on sports disability insurance. Insurance agents say lawsuits in this high-profile sports …

5 Risk Management Tips for the NFL Just in Time for Super Bowl

It’s been a rough year for American football. The National Football League has been plagued with a series of scandals. Commissioner Roger Goodell frequently seems befuddled, and it’s hard to discern any “plan” by the NFL other than to lawyer-up …