Nigel Brook News

Parametric Insurance Can Help Close Global Protection Gap: Clyde & Co. Report

Parametric insurance can play a significant role in closing the insurance protection gap โ€“ a problem that plagues economies in both the developing and developed world, according to a report published by Clyde & Co. The protection gap is the …

Experts See Expanding Role for Parametric Insurance, Including for U.S. Disasters

Catastrophic losses this year due to extreme weather events have led to a growing interest in parametric insurance in the U.S., according to industry experts. Parametric coverage is also gaining traction as hazard modeling continues to improve, weather stations more …

Emerging Risks/Markets Offer New Opportunities: 2017 Predictions, Part 3

Insurers and reinsurers continue to look for organic growth where they can find it โ€“ sometimes from emerging risks and sometimes from emerging markets. As always, the keys to success are market knowledge and patience. Providing a heads-up for such …