NLRB McDonald’s News

McDonald’s Wins Battle With Labor, Avoids Joint Employer Liability with Franchises

McDonald’s Corp. has won a huge victory in a multiyear legal battle over whether it should share responsibility for alleged labor violations in its franchisees’ restaurants, a case that posed a major threat to the franchise model underlying one of …

McDonald’s Has Friends in High Places in High-Stakes Labor Fight

In a television commercial that’s become part of the lore surrounding Donald Trump’s affinity for McDonald’s Corp., he embraced a purple, lumpy denizen of the fast-food chain’s “McDonaldland” and said, “Together, Grimace, we could own this town.” He was talking …

McDonald’s Offers to Settle Claims in Franchise Liability Case

McDonald’s Corp. said on Monday it had agreed to settle a U.S. labor board case on whether the company is accountable for its franchisees’ alleged labor law violations. The settlement, which must be approved by a National Labor Relations Board …

Court Now Likely for Joint Employer, Franchise Company Liability Case

A sanitation company at the center of a major U.S. labor board ruling that could force companies like McDonald’s Corp. to negotiate directly with franchise and contract workers has refused to bargain with workers hired by a staffing agency. The …

Franchise Parents, Staffing Firms Ruled Joint Employers Under Labor Law

More companies may be held responsible for labor-law violations committed by contractors and forced to negotiate wages and benefits with their workers under a decision by a politically split U.S. labor board. The National Labor Relations Board, in a closely …

McDonald’s Is Joint Employer with Franchisees: National Labor Board

McDonald’s Corp. wields enough control over its franchisees that it should be jointly responsible for the working conditions of their employees, according to charges by the U.S. labor board critics say threatens to upend the fast- food industry. The National …

Republicans Question Labor Board on McDonald’s Franchise Liability Case

Two Republican lawmakers on Wednesday asked a U.S. labor agency for more information about a recent finding that fast-food chain McDonald’s Corp. could be held liable for the labor practices of franchisees, a view that has alarmed many businesses. The …