No deal Brexit News

UK Finance Minister Tells Executives Finance Sector Is His Priority as Brexit Nears

British finance minister Sajid Javid told representatives of the country’s financial services industry on Monday that the sector was a top priority for him as the country prepares to leave the European Union, a person familiar with the discussions said. …

Deadlock Continues as EU Rebuffs Johnson Bid to Reopen Brexit Deal

The European Union poured cold water on Boris Johnson’s attempt to renegotiate the Brexit deal, saying the so-called backstop to prevent a hard Irish border — which the British prime minister wants scrapped — was a vital part of the …

Leaked Document Warned of Fuel, Food, Medicine Shortages If No-Deal Brexit

Britain will face shortages of fuel, food and medicine if it leaves the European Union without a transition deal, according to leaked official documents reported by the Sunday Times whose interpretation was immediately contested by ministers. Setting out a vision …

British PM Johnson Targeted by Opposition Campaigns to Block No-Deal Brexit

Opposition parties launched rival campaigns to topple Prime Minister Boris Johnson and stop him taking Britain out of the European Union without a deal, illustrating fractures in the anti-Brexit movement that make neither scheme likely to succeed. Johnson has promised …