El Niño Strengthens as Pacific Temperatures Show Same Trend as ’97-’98

The El Niño taking hold across the Pacific strengthened, according to Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology, citing indexes of sea-surfaces temperatures that showed the same trend for the first time since the event in 1997-1998. All five NINO indexes, averaged over …

Earth’s Surface Rising in North America, Europe: After-Effect of Ice Age

In the U.S., this past year has had more than enough reminders of how weather can affect our lives. California is heading into its fourth year of drought because it didn’t get enough snow. Boston is just emerging from a …

Attribution Science, Extreme Weather and Why They Matter

There is a love-hate relationship with the word “new.” It’s used far too often, but without it as a preface some of us don’t bother to pay attention to what’s coming next. A “new task” scientists have grappled with in …

NOAA: Near- Or Above-Normal Central Pacific Hurricane Season

Climate conditions point to a near-normal or above-normal hurricane season in the Central Pacific Basin this year with patterns possibly affected by an El Niño weather pattern, NOAA’s Central Pacific Hurricane Center announced. The outlook for 2014 calls for a …

Quiet Atlantic Storm Season Humbles Forecasters

The 2013 Atlantic hurricane season is humbling forecasters by shaping up as the first in almost two decades without a major storm, confounding predictions that it would be more active than normal. It’s been two weeks since the season’s statistical …

Yosemite May Be Harbinger of California’s Wildfire Potential

The week-and-a-half-old wildfire in Yosemite is seen by some as a harbinger of what could be a “worst case scenario” when California enters its typical wildfire season in October – continued drought, lots of unburned fuel and a weather outlook …

NOAA Updates Hurricane Forecast

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on Thursday slightly lowered its forecast for the 2013 Atlantic hurricane season but said it still expected “above normal” storm activity this year. NOAA predicted the six-month season, which began on June 1 …

New York Officials Urge Preparation for Hurricane Season

State officials are urging New York residents to prepare for hurricane season. The season starts June 1 and lasts through November. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said last week there is a 70 percent chance that this year will …

1-3 Tropical Cyclones Expected For Central Pacific

It’s looking like it’ll be a below-normal hurricane season for the central Pacific. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration issued its 2013 central Pacific hurricane outlook Wednesday at a news conference in Honolulu. Hurricane season starts June 1 and runs …

Atlantic Coast Can Expect 3 to 6 Major Hurricanes This Season: NOAA

The government’s weather center is forecasting that this year’s Atlantic hurricane season that begins June 1 will be an active one, perhaps even extremely active, during its six months. Experts at the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said there …