nord stream 2 sanctions News

Russian Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Faces Big Hurdles Amid Ukraine Tensions

FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) – The pipeline is built and being filled with natural gas. But Russia’s Nord Stream 2 faces a rocky road before any gas flows to Germany, with its new leaders adopting a more skeptical tone toward the …

European Insurers Wary of Rising Threat of Sanctions Against Nord Stream 2 Pipeline

A simmering threat of sanctions against the operator of the $11 billion Nord Stream 2 pipeline risks shutting off cover from European insurers for the politically sensitive project to bring Russian gas directly to Germany. Kremlin-backed energy giant Gazprom leads …

Biden Administration Warns Firms to Quit Aiding Nord Stream 2 Pipeline

The U.S. State Department is tracking efforts to complete Russia’s Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline and evaluating information on entities that appear to be involved, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Thursday. “Any entity involved in the …