North Carolina power grid attack News

North Carolina Lawmakers Propose Power Grid Protections After Attacks

When gunshots at two electrical substations cut power to thousands of central North Carolina homes for several days in early December, Republican state Rep. Ben Moss watched his vibrant district full of family farms, small businesses and sprawling golf courses …

Gunfire Damages Another Electrical Station but No Power Outages

A North Carolina utility said an electricity substation was damaged by gunfire early Tuesday but that it caused no power outages. The damage comes after a gunfire attack on multiple substations in Moore County knocked out power to more than …

North Carolina Attack Shows Fragility of U.S. Power Grids, Experts Say

The attacks that left two electrical substations in North Carolina riddled with gunfire and knocked out power to 45,000 homes and businesses underscores the fragility of US grids, experts said Monday. The FBI is investigating the assault that extensively damaged …