North Carolina News

New Markets

Monoline Auto Classes, Small Commercial Nuts & Bolts: Zurich’s small business agents now have more than 500 monoline auto classes to sell. The company has opened an additional 257 existing America Premier classes for monoline auto and added 238 new …

New Markets

Trucking Operations Nuts & Bolts: Kansas-based Interstate Insurance Management and Swiss Re’s Commercial Insurance announce the immediate expansion of their insurance program for the trucking industry into Virginia and Indiana. The program, which has been in operation since 1970, provides …

Ill. director looks at new options for urban markets

Regulators want to make sure that insurers are serving the urban market appropriately, according to Illinois Insurance Director Michael T. McRaith, who spoke at a recent workshop sponsored by the Chicago-based Urban Insurance Partners Institute (UIPI), a nonprofit insurance industry …

New Markets

Monoline Auto Classes, Small Commercial Businesses Nuts & Bolts: Zurich’s small business agents now have more than 500 monoline auto classes to sell. The company has opened an additional 257 existing America Premier classes for monoline auto and added 238 …


4% The increase in medical malpractice premiums collected by insurers in 2005 over 2004 in Tennessee. Insurers collected $341 million. Insurers paid out about 14 percent more in Tennessee cases in 2005 than the year before, including $119 million in …

People The van Aartrijk Group LLC, a Washington, D.C.-area marketing and communications firm, is augmenting its branding and public affairs capabilities with the promotion of one executive and addition of another, according to Peter van Aartrijk, chief executive officer. Maureen …

People The Texas Surplus Lines Association Inc. announced the election of the following officers and directors: President Len Kaplan, executive vice president and CFO, Delta General Agency, Houston; Vice President Lana Parks, president, The Parks Group Inc., Arlington; and Secretary/Treasurer …

New Markets

Coastal Property – Texas Nuts & Bolts: Western Security Surplus has increased capacity to write coastal property coverage in Texas, including wind and hail, Tier 1 and 2 counties. The property coverage is offered via a non-admitted “A” rated market …

New Markets

Monoline Auto Classes, Small Commercial Businesses Nuts & Bolts: Zurich’s small business agents now have more than 500 monoline auto classes to sell. The company announced it has opened 257 existing America Premier classes for monoline auto and added 238 …

Marsh Unit Arranges Collateral Program for N.C. Workers’ Comp Fund

MMC Securities Corp., an affiliate of Marsh Inc., has completed a $510 million alternative collateral program on behalf of the North Carolina Self-Insurance Security Association for its security fund. The North Carolina Self-Insurance Security Association provides workers compensation benefits directly …