North Carolina News

N.C. entrepreneur married to idea of divorce insurance

If North Carolina’s John Logan has his way, sometime in the very near future, people across the globe will be able to purchase insurance coverage against the potential financial devastation often caused by divorce. Logan, chairman and chief executive officer …

N.C. entrepreneur married to idea of divorce insurance

If North Carolina’s John Logan has his way, sometime in the very near future, people across the globe will be able to purchase insurance coverage against the potential financial devastation often caused by divorce. Logan, chairman and chief executive officer …

Sticking up for the little guys

Somewhat akin to Rodney Dangerfield, smaller agents don’t seem to get any respect — or at least not as much respect as their larger counterparts. It is becoming difficult to keep the carriers they currently have, let alone attract new …

N.C. entrepreneur married to divorce insurance

If North Carolina’s John Logan has his way, sometime in the very near future, people across the globe will be able to purchase insurance coverage against the potential financial devastation often caused by divorce. Logan, chairman and chief executive officer …

States go global for new ideas to improve transportation safety

Searching for ways to improve road safety without breaking the bank, state transportation officials in the U.S. have found inspiration in ideas being implemneted abroad. Low-cost devices increasingly popping up on treacherous roadways and crammed crossroads across the nation have …

Court: No libel by disgruntled N.C. columnist

A disgruntled magazine publisher did not commit libel against an insurance adjuster when he wrote a column criticizing the agent’s handling of his claim, North Carolina’s Court of Appeals ruled. Bernie Reeves, editor and publisher of Metro Magazine, wrote an …

People and Places

Ernie Csiszar, the Romania-born former South Carolina regulator who two years ago was named president and chief executive officer of the then newly-formed Property Casualty Insurers Association of America, resigned from PCI effective Sept. 30. Csiszar indicated that he plans …


Ernie Csiszar, the Romania-born former South Carolina regulator who two years ago was named president and chief executive officer of the then newly-formed Property Casualty Insurers Association of America, resigned from PCI effective Sept. 30. Csiszar indicated that he plans …

New Markets

Corporate Identity Theft Nuts & Bolts: National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pa., a member company of American International Group Inc., announced the release of AIG Corporate Identity Protection, a new insurance policy designed to protect small and mid-sized …

Sticking up for the little guys

Somewhat akin to Rodney Dangerfield, smaller agents don’t seem to get any respect — or at least not as much respect as their larger counterparts. It is becoming difficult to keep the carriers they currently have, let alone attract new …