North Carolina News

Rates are softening

As the surplus lines world turns to another year of soft market conditions, specialists and innovators may be the ones to survive as increasing competition intensifies, according to excess and surplus lines brokers, wholesalers and insurers. “It’s as competitive as …

News Currents

There are “35 million people living along the hurricane-prone coast that stretches from North Carolina to Texas. Half of these live in Florida, 10 million on the Atlantic coast and seven million on the Gulf coast. As rising seas and …

New Markets

Security Risks Nuts & Bolts: AI Risk, Lexington Insurance’s Middle Market Unit, has selected Brownyard Programs Ltd. to bring AIG’s GuardSecure product to small- and intermediate-sized private security companies throughout the United States. The program’s focus will include a range …

New Markets

Third Party Harassment and Discrimination Product Nuts & Bolts: Monoline third party harassment and discrimination coverage is being offered by Quadrant Insurance Managers. This product covers businesses for discrimination, harassment and wrongful eviction committed by an employee against a customer …

New Markets

Insurance Agents E&O Nuts & Bolts: London American Profes-sional Liability LLC, a program administrator and MGA, introduced a new professional liability program for insurance agencies. The program is designed for agencies with gross written premiums between $5 million and $250 …

People and Places

American International Group Inc. named Nicholas J. Ashooh as senior vice president of communications. Ashooh succeeds John T. Wooster Jr. who had filled that role on a temporary basis since year-end 2005, and earlier had been AIG vice president of …

Competition hits Surplus Lines Market

As the surplus lines world turns to another year of soft market conditions, specialists and innovators may be the ones to survive as increasing competition intensifies, according to excess and surplus lines brokers, wholesalers and insurers. “It’s as competitive as …

New study finds coastal population drain following hurricanes

A study conducted by the Earth Policy Institute concludes that a number of people who evacuated their homes in the wake of Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma may have left permanently. The EPI report, authored by the organization’s President Lester …

New Markets

Third Party Harassment and Discrimination Product Nuts & Bolts: Monoline third party harassment and discrimination coverage is being offered by Quadrant Insurance Managers. This product covers businesses for discrimination, harassment and wrongful eviction committed by an employee against a customer …

Warren is a 20-year insurance industry veteran. She originally joined Beecher Carlson in March 2005 as senior vice presi

People American International Group, Inc. named Nicholas J. Ashooh as senior vice president of communications. Ashooh succeeds John T. Wooster, Jr. who had filled that role on a temporary basis since year-end 2005, and earlier had been AIG vice president …