North Carolina News

Fla. PIA Honors Tom Sanzenbacher as ‘2004 Company Rep of the Year’

Tom Sanzenbacher has received the Professional Insurance Agents of Florida’s award as the “2004 Company Representative of the Year.” Donnie McMahon, PIA of Florida’s immediate past president, presented Sanzenbacher with a commemorative plaque recognizing his achievements during the group’s annual …


The State Farm Insurance Bank is in a turf war, which pits North Carolina regulators against the federal Office of Thrift Supervision to determine who has jurisdiction over State Farm’s sale of $100,000-plus “Jumbo CDs.” In the meantime, State Farm …


The North Carolina Department of Insurance doubts new methodology used by the North Carolina Rate Bureau, which has just requested an 11.5 percent statewide increase in private auto insurance rates. NCRB is an independent organization representing in-state auto insurance companies. …

N.C. Agent Fined $220,000, Sentenced to Six Months in Jail for Embezzlement

North Carolina Insurance Commissioner Jim Long has announced the conclusion of an insurance fraud case against Eugenie H. Johnson of Fayetteville, who was accused of embezzling more than $220,000 from an insurance agency where she worked. Johnson was sentenced to …

TWCC Approves Self-Insure Certificates of Authority for 18 Companies

The Texas Workers’ Compensation Commission reported it approved the initial application for a Certificate of Authority to Self-Insure for a one-year period by one private employer and the reapplications for Certificates of Authority to Self-Insure for a one-year period by …

Senators Reintroduce Two-Year TRIA Extension Bill

U.S. Senators Robert Bennett (R-Utah) and Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.) reintroduced legislation today to extend the federal terrorism backstop for two more years. The current Terrorism Risk Insurance Act is set to expire on Dec. 31, 2005. The Dodd-Bennett bill would …

Okla. Lawmaker Seeks to Create Graduated Driver’s License for Teens

Tired of seeing underage drivers killed as a result of joyriding with their friends, Oklahoma State Rep. Danny Morgan announced legislation to create a new graduated driver’s license for teenagers. Morgan said he patterned the bill after similar measures that …

Some California Doctors Leaving Workers’ Comp System

Francis Pecoraro is trading a San Francisco Bay area medical practice that mainly serves injured workers for one in Wilmington, N.C., that he believes will be friendlier to doctors and doctors’ families. Pecoraro, who specializes in chronic pain cases, is …

The Road More or Less Traveled: Transportation Safety Defines the Journey

Transportation safety plays a huge part in just about everyone’s lives. There are rules for highways, rules for drivers, rules for kids, rules for railroads, and of course, more safety rules for the sky. Each regulation and safety recommendation could …

N.C. Price-Fixing Investigated

North Carolina insurance regulators, under the direction of Insurance Commissioner Jim Long are investigating as many as 10 insurance companies to determine if they conspired in a price-fixing scheme. The Insurance Department is examining the companies after sending surveys last …