Novartis AG News

Novartis Pharmaceuticals Agrees to Pay $678M to Settle Doctor-Bribe Claims

Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. agreed to pay $678 million to resolve a whistle-blower case accusing the company of paying kickbacks to thousands of doctors who prescribed its drugs and wooing them with lavish dinners and trips to Hooters, ending almost a …

Drug Makers’ Supply Chain Probed as Blood Pressure Pill Tests Positive for Carcinogens

An online pharmacy told U.S. regulators it found another cancer-causing chemical in widely prescribed blood-pressure pills, raising new questions about a complex global web of companies that produces medicine for millions of people. A solvent called dimethylformamide was discovered in …

Big Pharma Resuming U.S. Price Hikes in January After Pause: Reuters Report

Novartis AG and Bayer AG are among nearly 30 drugmakers that have taken steps to raise the U.S. prices of their medicines in January, ending a self-declared halt to increases made by a pharma industry under pressure from the Trump …

Drugmaker Eyes Reinsurance to Lower Costs, Reports Financial Times

Swiss drugmaker Novartis AG is considering working with reinsurers to provide alternative financing options for life-saving drugs, potentially saving substantial healthcare costs, Financial Times reported on Sunday. Among the options proposed includes a “reinsurance model in which a third party …

Court in California Rules Novartis Can Be Sued Over Generic Drug Injuries

California’s top court has opened the door for consumers to sue Novartis AG and other makers of brand-name pharmaceutical products over injuries blamed on generic versions of the drugs manufactured by other companies. The California Supreme Court’s ruling on Thursday …