nuclear accident News

Ukraine Nuclear-Plant Attacks Prompt Emergency Watchdog Meet

The United Nations atomic watchdog held an emergency meeting in Vienna to discuss the increasing risk of an accident at a Russian-occupied atomic power plant in Ukraine. International Atomic Energy Agency diplomats convened on Thursday to discuss safety at Europe’s …

War-Damaged Ukraine Nuclear Plant Could Threaten Europe’s Energy Grid

Diplomats concerned about an atomic accident at a war-damaged nuclear power plant in Ukraine should also turn their attention to a larger and looming danger, according to engineers who study critical infrastructure. Already only two of six reactors at the …

Ukraine Nuclear-Plant Disaster Is ‘Real Risk,’ IAEA Warns

Ukrainian officials said Russian forces shelled the area around Europe’s largest nuclear plant for a second day, hours after the head of the UN’s atomic safety agency warned of “potentially catastrophic consequences.” Russian shells landed near spent nuclear fuel stored …

Japan’s Tepco to Propose Decommissioning 5 Nuclear Reactors: Media

Tokyo Electric Power will submit to a municipal official on Monday a plan regarding the decommissioning of five reactors at its Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear station, the world’s biggest atomic plant, Jiji Press said. Japan suffered its worst energy crisis since the …

Scientists Warn: Prepare Now for Next Nuclear Plant Accident

Three major atomic accidents in 35 years are forcing the world’s nuclear industry to stop imagining it can prevent more catastrophes and to focus instead on how to contain them. Of the 176 new reactors planned across the globe, half …