nuclear contamination News

Samsung Faces Probe After Two Chip Workers Exposed to Radiation

South Korea’s nuclear safety authorities are carrying out an on-site investigation after two employees at a Samsung Electronics Co. semiconductor plant were exposed to radiation. The employees are showing abnormal symptoms on their fingers because of localized exposure, though their …

Contamination Fears Stoked by Water Leak at German Nuclear Site

Water is leaking into an underground nuclear waste facility in Germany creating fears about toxic contamination of groundwater and highlighting the legacy that the shuttered nuclear industry has left behind. The operator of the storage site says that salt water …

St. Louis Residents Seek Compensation for Illnesses Tied to Nuclear Contamination

Karen Nickel has been dealing with lupus and other illnesses for years, illnesses she blames on childhood exposure to a suburban St. Louis creek where Cold War-era nuclear waste was dumped decades ago. It’s time, she said Friday, for the …