nuclear disasters News

War-Damaged Ukraine Nuclear Plant Could Threaten Europe’s Energy Grid

Diplomats concerned about an atomic accident at a war-damaged nuclear power plant in Ukraine should also turn their attention to a larger and looming danger, according to engineers who study critical infrastructure. Already only two of six reactors at the …

Ukraine Nuclear-Plant Disaster Is ‘Real Risk,’ IAEA Warns

Ukrainian officials said Russian forces shelled the area around Europe’s largest nuclear plant for a second day, hours after the head of the UN’s atomic safety agency warned of “potentially catastrophic consequences.” Russian shells landed near spent nuclear fuel stored …

Tepco Rebuilding Plan Approved

Tokyo Electric Power Co. won the support of the government and banks for a plan to rebuild its business, the latest step in the recovery from the nuclear disaster three years ago that almost destroyed the company. The agreement between …

Fukushima Plant Springs Another Leak in Battle with Radioactive Water

Tokyo Electric Power Co. reported another breach of the defenses it has built at the Fukushima nuclear plant in its more than two-year struggle to stop leaks of radioactive water into the soil and sea. Just weeks after the utility …