nuclear plants News

Inspector General Says Counterfeit Parts in Nuclear Plants Raise Safety Concerns

Many counterfeit parts have been discovered in U.S. nuclear plants, potentially increasing the risk of a safety failure, the inspector general of the federal nuclear industry regulator said in a report released on Thursday. The report is a blow to …

Scientists Say Advanced Nuclear Reactors Not Safer Than Conventional Plants

A new generation of so-called “advanced” nuclear power reactors that Washington believes could help fight climate change often present greater proliferation risks than conventional nuclear power, a science advocacy group said on Thursday. President Joe Biden, a Democrat, has made …

French Utility EDF Prepares Its Nuclear Reactors for Climate Change

Electricite de France SA is preparing its nuclear power facilities to operate in more severe heatwaves in the coming decades as a changing climate may interfere with key electrical equipment. The utility, which produces almost three-quarters of France’s electricity from …

Speedy Reactor Cleanups May Carry Both Risks and Rewards

Companies specializing in the handling of radioactive material are buying retired U.S. nuclear reactors from utilities and promising to clean them up and demolish them in dramatically less time than usual – eight years instead of 60, in some cases. …

Nuclear Accidents Pose Little Risk to U.S. Health, Say Regulators

The risk to public health from a severe nuclear power plant accident in the United States is “very small” because reactor operators should have time to prevent core damage and reduce the release of radioactive materials, U.S. nuclear regulators said …

U.S. Nuclear Plants to Undergo Safety Reviews

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will conduct a “comprehensive review” of the safety of all U.S. nuclear plants following what U.S. officials are calling the dangerous and complicated situation at Japan’s damaged Fukushima Dai-ichi reactors. President Barack Obama took the rare …