nuclear reactor News

Operator At California Nuke Plant Disputes Safety Claim

The utility that runs the troubled San Onofre nuclear power plant on the California coast sharply denied Thursday that it was aware of equipment problems linked to a 2012 tube break that released a trace of radiation. On Wednesday, Sen. …

Troubled Calif. Nuke Plant Aims To Restart Reactor

The operator of California’s troubled San Onofre nuclear power plant on Thursday proposed to restart one of the facility’s twin reactors after concluding it could be run safely despite damage to scores of tubes that carry radioactive water. A plan …

Mistakes at Tennessee Nuclear Reactor Cause Work Stoppage

Mistakes by construction workers at the Tennessee Valley Authority’s Watts Bar reactor project, described last Friday by the utility’s chief executive as potentially fatal, idled about 1,000 workers temporarily for a safety talk. TVA ordered an unpaid safety work stoppage …

Japan Aims for Tepco Compensation Scheme this Week

Japan’s trade minister said he was aiming for cabinet approval this week of a government-backed scheme to help Tokyo Electric Power pay for damages caused by the crisis at its Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Earlier on Wednesday Tokyo Electric said …

Japan Scrambles to Pull Nuclear Plant Back from Brink of Disaster

Japan’s nuclear crisis appeared to be spinning out of control on Wednesday after workers withdrew briefly from a stricken power plant because of surging radiation levels, but desperate efforts to avert a catastrophic meltdown quickly resumed. Early in the day …

All Eyes on Reactor Vessel as Japanese Nuclear Crisis Worsens

Fears of a nuclear disaster in Japan heightened on Tuesday after radiation levels around its quake-stricken power plant soared following two separate explosions at the complex. Many of the worrying milestones mapped out by experts have now been passed, with …